Sample form

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lorem Ipsum Title

Lorem Ipsum Title Death and serious illness is rampant in our province’s long term care homes–particularly in for-profit homes. Front-line workers are being forced to go into work sick because the government refuses to legislate adequate paid sick days. Collective agreements of Alberta workers are being undermined, while the government fails to provide a living minimum wage.

Lorem Epsom Title

  • Fix the crisis in long-term care Prioritize workers’ health and safety
  • Implement the promised pandemic premium pay, expand its eligibility, and make it permanent
  • Introduce a livable minimum wage immediately with no exceptions
  • Provide permanent paid sick days, plus paid days during an outbreak
  • Respect collective agreements and listen to workers

Sign the petition demanding a better pandemic response.